Access AI
Get ready to access the best and latest AI models
ONE is free. You use your own keys. You pay to use AI models at cost price. To get started you need access to at least one AI.
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Select your AI
You can start for free and pay only for what you use.
Start here. You get $5 free credits which can generate up to 2,000,000 words.
Open AI via Azure
Access Open AI via Microsoft Azure. Start with $200 in free credits.
Google Gemini
Get access to Google Gemini Pro and Pro Vision. You can use Google Gemini entirely free for up to 60 queries per minute.
Antrophic Claude’s API is currently being offered to a limited set of customers and researchers and is fully supported with ONE. Their free evaluation plan gives you 2.5 million tokens (about 1875000 words) per day.
Mistral is a leading Open Source AI Model. You can run it on your own computer for free or via their cloud platform for as low as 0.42€ / 1M tokens (about 750,000 words).
Open Router
Benefit from the race to the bottom. OpenRouter finds the lowest price for hundreds of AI models across dozens of providers.