
This guide will help you set up and start building AI-powered applications using the ONE framework. ONE combines Astro, React, and

Quick Start

1. Get the Project

You have three options to get started with ONE:

# Option 1: Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/one-ie/one.git

# Option 2: Download the ZIP file
# Visit: https://github.com/one-ie/one/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

# Option 3: Fork the repository
# Visit: https://github.com/one-ie/one/fork

You can also create a new project directly in GitHub Codespaces: Open in Codespaces

2. Install Dependencies

# Navigate to project directory
cd one

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

3. Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in your project root:


4. Start Development Server

pnpm dev

Visit http://localhost:4321 to see your application running.

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── components/     # UI components
│   ├── layouts/       # Page layouts
│   ├── pages/         # Routes and pages
│   ├── content/       # Markdown content
│   └── styles/        # Global styles
└── public/           # Static assets

Adding AI Chat to a Page

  1. Create a new page (e.g., src/pages/chat.astro):
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { ChatConfigSchema } from '../schema/chat';

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  systemPrompt: [{
    type: "text",
    text: "You are a helpful assistant."
  welcome: {
    message: "👋 How can I help you today?",
    avatar: "/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [
        label: "Get Started",
        prompt: "How do I get started with ONE?"

  title="Chat Page"
    <h1>Welcome to the Chat</h1>
    <!-- Your page content here -->

Customizing the Chat Interface

Chat Configuration Options

const chatConfig = {
  provider: "openai",          // AI provider
  model: "gpt-4o-mini",       // Model to use
  apiEndpoint: "https://api.openai.com/v1",
  temperature: 0.7,           // Response creativity (0-1)
  maxTokens: 2000,           // Maximum response length
  systemPrompt: "...",       // AI behavior definition
  welcome: {
    message: "...",          // Welcome message
    avatar: "/path/to/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [...]       // Quick start prompts

Panel Modes

The chat interface can be displayed in different modes:

  • quarter: 25% width side panel
  • half: 50% width side panel
  • full: Full screen chat
  • floating: Floating chat window
  • icon: Minimized chat button

Adding Page-Specific Knowledge

Make your AI assistant knowledgeable about specific pages:

const pageContent = "Your page content here";

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  systemPrompt: [{
    type: "text",
    text: `You are an expert on ${pageContent}. Help users understand this content.`
  // ... other config options

Basic Customization

1. Styling

Customize the appearance using Tailwind CSS classes:

/* src/styles/global.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* Your custom styles here */

2. Layout

Adjust the layout using the Layout component props:

  title="Your Page"
  description="Page description"
  header={true}        // Show/hide header
  footer={true}        // Show/hide footer
  <!-- Your content -->

3. Chat Features

Enable or disable specific chat features:

const chatConfig = ChatConfigSchema.parse({
  // ... other options
  features: {
    textToSpeech: true,    // Enable voice synthesis
    codeHighlight: true,   // Enable code syntax highlighting
    markdown: true,        // Enable markdown rendering
    suggestions: true      // Enable quick suggestions

Common Issues


  1. API Key Issues

    • Ensure your OpenAI API key is properly set in .env
    • Check API key permissions and quotas
  2. Build Errors

    • Run pnpm clean to clear cache
    • Ensure all dependencies are installed
    • Check for Node.js version compatibility
  3. Chat Not Working

    • Verify API endpoint configuration
    • Check browser console for errors
    • Ensure proper network connectivity


Need help? Try these resources:

Remember to check the Frequently Asked Questions for common queries and solutions.
