Feb 3, 2024
Layout Size Configurations
Panel Modes
Icon Mode
- Main Content: 100%
- Right Panel: Fixed 48px icon at bottom right
- Use Case: Maximum content space with quick chat access
Floating Mode
- Main Content: 100%
- Right Panel: Floating window (320px × 480px)
- Use Case: Quick chat interactions while viewing content
Quarter Mode
- Main Content: 75%
- Right Panel: 25% (minimum 320px)
- Use Case: Content-focused with persistent chat
Half Mode
- Main Content: 50%
- Right Panel: 50%
- Use Case: Equal focus on content and chat
Full Mode
- Main Content: 0%
- Right Panel: 100%
- Use Case: Dedicated chat experience
Responsive Behavior
Desktop (>1024px)
- Supports all modes
- Panel transitions are smooth slides
- Main content reflows with panel changes
Tablet (768px - 1024px)
- Quarter has minimum width of 320px
- Half and Full not available
- Icon and Floating remain unchanged
Mobile (<768px)
- Icon triggers full screen mode
Additional Considerations
Z-Index Stacking
- Icon Mode: 100
- Floating Mode: 1000
- Overlay Modes: 2000
- Modal Dialogs: 3000
Transition Timings
- Panel Expand/Collapse: 200ms
- Mode Transitions: 300ms
- Overlay Animations: 250ms
Safe Areas
- Respects device safe areas on mobile
- Adjusts for notches and home indicators
- Bottom spacing accounts for keyboard
- Maintains minimum touch target size (44px)
- Preserves readable line lengths when resizing
- Ensures sufficient contrast in collapsed states
- Lazy loads panel content when collapsed
- Throttles resize calculations
- Uses CSS containment for layout isolation