Below is an example of how you might rewrite your schemas using both .optional()
and .nullable()
for clarity and flexibility. The comments tell the story of our content—how each field is designed to be forgiving, ensuring our app can gracefully handle missing or intentionally empty data.
// src/content/config.ts
* Welcome to our Content Configuration!
* In this file, we define our content collections and their schemas using Zod.
* We're writing a story about our content: blog posts, documentation, and creative prompts.
* Here's the twist: we're using both `.optional()` and `.nullable()` on many fields.
* - `.optional()` lets a field be omitted (i.e., it might not appear at all).
* - `.nullable()` allows the field to explicitly be set to `null`.
* This dual approach makes our schema human-friendly and flexible,
* ensuring our application can handle cases where data might be missing or intentionally empty.
import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
* Blog Schema – Telling the Story of Our Posts
* Every blog post needs a captivating title, but other details can be left blank if needed.
const BlogSchema = z.object({
# The headline of our story—essential to grab the reader's attention.
title: z.string(),
# A brief description to pique curiosity; it's okay if this is missing or set to null.
description: z.string().optional().nullable(),
# The publication date of the post; optional in case the date isn't set or is unknown.
# Is this post still a work in progress? If not provided, we treat it as not a draft.
draft: z.boolean().optional().nullable(),
# A visual representation of the story; optional for creative freedom.
picture: z.string().optional().nullable(),
# An alternative image URL; again, optional and can be null.
image: z.string().optional().nullable(),
# The type or category of the post; optional to allow for broad storytelling.
type: z.string().optional().nullable(),
# Tags to help classify the post; optional so you can skip them if not needed.
tags: z.array(z.string()).optional().nullable(),
* Docs Schema – Your Guiding Light
* Documentation entries guide our users through the ins and outs of our project.
* While some fields are essential for clarity, others can be left flexible.
const DocsSchema = z.object({
# A clear title for the documentation—vital for orientation.
title: z.string(),
# A detailed description that explains the purpose of the docs.
description: z.string(),
# The publication date to keep our guides in order.
# Indicates if this doc is still in draft form; optional to allow for updates.
draft: z.boolean().optional().nullable(),
# Which section of our docs does this belong to? Optional for additional organization.
section: z.string().optional().nullable(),
# An order value to control the sequence of documentation; optional for sorting flexibility.
order: z.number().optional().nullable(),
* Prompts Schema – Sparking Creativity
* Prompts are designed to ignite your creativity. They need a title and description,
* and can be grouped with tags. The draft status is optional, so you can fine-tune them.
const PromptsSchema = z.object({
# The spark that starts the creative fire—a catchy title.
title: z.string(),
# A description that sets the stage for creative exploration.
description: z.string(),
# Tags that help you find similar prompts; optional if you're keeping it simple.
tags: z.array(z.string()).optional().nullable(),
# Indicates if the prompt is still in draft mode; optional to let you iterate.
draft: z.boolean().optional().nullable(),
* Now, we define our content collections using the schemas above.
* Each collection corresponds to a type of content in our Astro project.
export const blog = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: BlogSchema,
export const docs = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: DocsSchema,
export const prompts = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: PromptsSchema,
* For convenience, we export all our collections as a single object.
* This makes it easier to reference them throughout our project.
export const collections = {
* To leverage TypeScript's power, we export the inferred types from our schemas.
* This ensures type safety and provides excellent editor support as we build our app.
export type Blog = z.infer<typeof BlogSchema>;
export type Docs = z.infer<typeof DocsSchema>;
export type Prompts = z.infer<typeof PromptsSchema>;
quick_recap: storytelling_through_code: description: Each schema is commented like a narrative, explaining the purpose of each field and why it might be optional or nullable.
flexibility: description: By combining .optional() and .nullable(), we allow our data to be flexible—perfect for when details are missing or intentionally left blank.
type_safety: description: Exporting the inferred types ensures that our application remains robust and that we catch errors early in the development process.
This setup not only makes your schemas human-readable but also maintains the robustness and flexibility required in a real-world Astro project. Enjoy coding and telling your content’s story!