
Chat Configuration Guide

ONE’s chat system provides a flexible configuration system that allows you to customize the behavior, appearance, and capabilities of your AI assistants. This guide explains all available configuration options and how to use them effectively.

Configuration Schema

The chat configuration is defined using Zod for type safety and validation. The schema is located in src/schema/chat.ts and provides a comprehensive set of options for customizing your chat experience.

Basic Configuration

Here’s a simple example of a chat configuration:

const chatConfig = {
  provider: "mistral",
  model: "mistral-large-latest",
  temperature: 0.7,
  maxTokens: 2000,
  systemPrompt: "You are a helpful assistant.",
  welcome: {
    message: "👋 How can I help you today?",
    avatar: "/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [
      "What can you help me with?",
      "Tell me about ONE framework"

Configuration Options

AI Provider Settings

providerstring"mistral"AI provider to use (mistral, openai, anthropic)
modelstring"mistral-large-latest"Specific model to use
apiKeystring-Optional API key (defaults to environment variable)
apiEndpointstringProvider defaultCustom API endpoint URL
runtimestring"edge"Runtime environment (edge, node)
temperaturenumber0.7Response randomness (0-1)
maxTokensnumber2000Maximum response length

System Prompt

The system prompt defines your AI assistant’s personality, knowledge, and behavior. It can be specified in several formats:

String Format

systemPrompt: "You are a helpful assistant specialized in web development."

Array Format

systemPrompt: [
    type: "text",
    text: "You are a helpful assistant specialized in web development."
    type: "text",
    text: "You provide clear, concise code examples when appropriate."

Welcome Configuration

The welcome configuration controls the initial appearance and behavior of the chat interface:

welcome: {
  message: "👋 Hello! I'm your AI assistant.",
  avatar: "/path/to/avatar.png",
  suggestions: [
    "What can you help me with?",
    "Tell me about your features",
      label: "Show me an example",
      prompt: "Can you show me an example of how to use this framework?"
messagestringInitial message from the assistant
avatarstringURL to the assistant’s avatar image
suggestionsarrayQuick suggestion buttons (strings or objects with label/prompt)

Initial Messages

You can pre-populate the chat with initial messages:

initialMessages: [
    id: "welcome",
    role: "assistant",
    content: "Welcome to the chat!"
    id: "user-1",
    role: "user",
    content: "Can you help me with something?"

Alternative Property Names

For compatibility with frontmatter in Markdown files, the following alternative property names are supported:

Standard NameAlternative Name

Helper Functions


Creates a default configuration with optional overrides:

import { createDefaultConfig } from "@/schema/chat";

const config = createDefaultConfig({
  provider: "openai",
  temperature: 0.8


Normalizes configuration by mapping alternative property names to standard ones:

import { normalizeConfig } from "@/schema/chat";

// From frontmatter
const config = normalizeConfig({
  aiProvider: "openai",
  aiModel: "gpt-4o-mini",
  welcomeMessage: "Hello!",
  avatar: "/icon.svg"

Usage in Astro Pages

In Frontmatter

layout: ../layouts/Layout.astro
title: "My Page"
description: "Page with chat"
  provider: mistral
  model: mistral-large-latest
  temperature: 0.7
  systemPrompt: "You are a helpful assistant."
    message: "👋 How can I help you?"
    avatar: "/icon.svg"
      - "What can you do?"
      - "Tell me more"

<h1>My Page with Chat</h1>
<p>Content goes here...</p>

In Markdown Files

title: My Document
aiProvider: mistral
aiModel: mistral-large-latest
temperature: 0.7
systemPrompt: You are a helpful assistant.
welcomeMessage: 👋 How can I help you?
avatar: /icon.svg
  - What can you do?
  - Tell me more

# My Document

Content goes here...

In Components

import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { Chat } from "@/components/Chat";
import { normalizeConfig } from "@/schema/chat";

const chatConfig = normalizeConfig({
  provider: "mistral",
  model: "mistral-large-latest",
  systemPrompt: "You are a helpful assistant.",
  welcome: {
    message: "👋 How can I help you?",
    avatar: "/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [
      "What can you do?",
      "Tell me more"

<Layout title="Chat Example">
  <div class="h-[600px]">
    <Chat client:load chatConfig={chatConfig} />

Advanced Configuration

Custom API Endpoints

const chatConfig = {
  provider: "openai",
  model: "gpt-4o-mini",
  apiEndpoint: "https://your-custom-endpoint.com/v1",
  // Other options...

Multiple System Prompts

const chatConfig = {
  // Other options...
  systemPrompt: [
      type: "text",
      text: "You are a helpful assistant specialized in web development."
      type: "text",
      text: "You provide clear, concise code examples when appropriate."
      type: "text",
      text: "You follow best practices and modern standards."

Rich Suggestions

const chatConfig = {
  // Other options...
  welcome: {
    message: "👋 How can I help you today?",
    avatar: "/icon.svg",
    suggestions: [
        label: "💻 Web Development",
        prompt: "Can you help me with web development using React and TypeScript?"
        label: "🚀 Performance Tips",
        prompt: "What are some tips for improving website performance?"
        label: "🔒 Security Best Practices",
        prompt: "What are the best security practices for web applications?"

Best Practices

  1. Be Specific in System Prompts: Clearly define your assistant’s role, expertise, and limitations.

  2. Use Appropriate Temperature: Lower values (0.1-0.4) for factual responses, higher values (0.7-0.9) for creative content.

  3. Provide Helpful Suggestions: Offer 3-5 relevant suggestions to guide users.

  4. Set Reasonable Token Limits: Balance between comprehensive responses and performance.

  5. Choose the Right Model: Select models based on your specific needs (capabilities vs. cost).

  6. Test Different Configurations: Experiment to find the optimal settings for your use case.

  7. Use Normalized Configuration: Always use normalizeConfig() when working with frontmatter data.


Common Issues

  1. API Key Errors: Ensure the appropriate environment variable is set for your chosen provider.

  2. Model Not Available: Verify that the model name is correct and available for your provider.

  3. Configuration Not Applied: Make sure you’re using normalizeConfig() for frontmatter data.

  4. Suggestions Not Showing: Check that your welcome message is properly configured.

  5. System Prompt Ignored: Ensure your system prompt is properly formatted.

For more help, check the API Documentation or contact support.
